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The Flying Cassowary - a blog

Jan 20, 20217 min read
It is nearly 20 years since I entered Circuit (or started travelling, as they used to call it!). Yet this is the first time I have been...

Jan 20, 20213 min read
Risky Business?
‘Risk’ is a word on the lips of many of our Methodist leaders at the minute. They call us to take more risks which usually means...

Jan 20, 20211 min read
Leaderful Church? A reflection
On Wednesday 13th June, 2018, the Susanna Wesley Foundation hosted a conference on 'Leaderful Church?' Among the contributions was a...
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Jan 20, 20211 min read
Light - Love - Life
Why is education such a complex topic for British Methodists? Is it because they associate their Church’s involvement in education with...

Jan 20, 20213 min read
Stuck on Brexit
The public sphere is full of talk of Brexit - hard, soft, chaotic, in-name-only. Yet, among the clamour, the voices of the Churches are...

Jan 20, 20214 min read
Modern worship songs - why they're needed and why they're not the answer
The World Methodist Council has finished its latest session in Seoul, Korea, and members like me have returned to our homes with many...
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Jan 20, 20214 min read
Conference Bites 5 - Why I stood for President
Elections can be brutal - the people speak and the next day, the removal vans take the belonging out the back door as the new incumbent...

Jan 20, 20213 min read
Changing Methodism V: A bit of order?
I have been spending the last little while reading and thinking about missional and other forms of Christian community and trying to...

Jan 20, 20215 min read
Look, no mitres!
Since I wrote the original post, the Church of England General Synod have discussed and voted on the report. It has passed, albiet with...
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Jan 20, 20212 min read
The Scrabble People of God?
Getting people to talk about sex, gender and relationships is not the easiest task in the world. Getting Methodists to do it seems even...

Jan 20, 20214 min read
As far from danger as from fear
When Methodist clergy get together, one of things we do is sing! And the Wesley hymn, 'Captain of Israel's host', is often on our lips. A...

Jan 20, 20212 min read
The New Europe?
We've been meeting as the European Methodist Council at a critical time. Inevitably, the topic of some of our sessions - and many of our...

Jan 20, 20212 min read
Sugar-coating the pill
'How many Methodists does it take to change a light-bulb?' 'Change?! Change!?' I'm on my way back from the excellent Changing Church...
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Jan 20, 20213 min read
Changing Methodism .... part II
Note to self: don't start a blog-series unless you've got at least two of them written already! I wrote the first of these 'Changing...
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Jan 20, 20213 min read
Changing Methodism ... one blog at a time
As I have a long train journey ahead of me, it gives me the time and space to think aloud. Some of the stuff I write now has been kicking...
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