What does your inclusion mean anyway?
You want to open your doors,
Allow the likes of me inside -
just inside;
Perhaps with seats towards the back,
In, but not quite, of.
What does your inclusion mean anyway?
You want to open your minds,
Play around with new ideas -
without cost;
Suggest a discussion or two,
About, but not with.
What does your inclusion mean anyway?
You want to open your hearts,
Seeking to connect and even care -
Not quite love;
As long as we play nice, and smile,
Grateful, not pain-full.
Here’s what your inclusion means to me:
You want a change that costs you
nothing more than extra seats, or
Cups of tea;
Designed to meet your needs, not mine,
Cheap grace, not Gospel.
Perhaps we need to start again, new ground
Where all can be guests - and hosts,
No rules or bound’ries set for most,
by the few;
A place where love is tangible,
The Holy Ground called
World Refugee Day, 20 June 2019